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Previous ICION Events

Memories of previous years ICION Bali shows and also a recent Yachting Experience Event 2020

Memories of past ICION events

ICION was founded with the aim for the CXOs community to interact. As one of the oldest platform around we know try to lead by reaching out to SEA CXOs community as well

A View

ICION 7TH At The Trans Seminyak

Memories of ICION 7TH, BSSN Touring the Arctic Security Stand

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Willlam Ho Co Founder ICION , Nite 2 Dinner at ICION 7TH

William Ho opening Speech at The Banjar Bali, Kuta

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ICION 5th Conference, Inaya Putri Bali

Anthony Lim our MC whom fly in from Singapore and also Faisal Yahya in the picture

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On stage with keynote speakers from BSSN, Kominfo & Polhukam


Alvin Rodrigues

Alvin - Business technologist, author, lecturer, facilitator on technology (including security) business value.
Always so inspiring for ICION series of Bali show - Year 2019 picture

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Previous ICION Events

Memories of previous years ICION Bali shows and unique productions of ICION

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Yachting Experience with ICION September 2019

A Yachting Experience with ICION, a first for the ICT world of Indonesia. Thanks once again to Crowdstrike,Infoblox and Forescout our sponsors for this event

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