An inspiring pitch from DesktopIP CEO and co-founder pak Phidi in front of a 200 paxes audience during our recent #SheratonKuta show on 02nd of March 2023
Below is a video on what DesktopIP does and also a link to media release
Ping to our team of Audi/Caca/Oliv for more info or ping to our WhatsApp at 62 818 102085 if you see any synergies.
More info about XCION and DesktopIP are on these links:
And thanks to our media partner for the show #Heaptalk also a well written write up here
Membership to XCION free for now, join us to follow the community and also see our acitivites. Our next big effort will be a Malaysian CIO Network show scheduled for Q3 2023 and we are looking for community members support and help
Ask what we can do for our community -
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